How it works :

Any package can be installed by using shinken install

Add your package to this index by using shinken publish


Module used for Scheduler to store downtime and comment infos about services and hosts to a mongodb database

shinken install mod-mongodb-dt-ct-retention-scheduler


This module is used by Scheduler daemon to store downtime and comment records associated with services or hosts to a mongoDB database.


Because the update retention file operation is in the scheduler's main loop, in order to not delay other operations we make a assumption that if some thing error has happened, then we think that the update operation this time has failed, we just stop this update operation, log it and wait until next one.


Note: Replica set MongoDB instances is the recommended way to work with.

Replica Set

MongoDB Replica Set with three instances
  • host1:port1
  • host2:port2
  • host3:port3
MongoDB Replica Set configuration
Configuration in mongodb-dt-ct-retention-scheduler.cfg

module_name mongodb-dt-ct-retention-scheduler
module_type mongodb_dt_ct_retention_scheduler
high_availability true
replica_set host1:port1, host2:port2, host3:port3
url_options w=1&wtimeoutMS=3000&journal=true&readPreference=secondary&replicaSet=shinken&connectTimeoutMS=3000
database shinken_scheduler_dt_ct_retention
username shinken_scheduler_dt_ct_retention
password shinken_scheduler_dt_ct_retention

Stand alone

MongoDB Stand alone
  • host:port
Configuration in mongodb-dt-ct-retention-scheduler.cfg

module_name mongodb-dt-ct-retention-scheduler
module_type mongodb_dt_ct_retention_scheduler
high_availability false
stand_alone host:port
url_options w=1&wtimeoutMS=3000&journal=true&readPreference=secondary&replicaSet=shinken&connectTimeoutMS=3000
database shinken_scheduler_dt_ct_retention
username shinken_scheduler_dt_ct_retention
password shinken_scheduler_dt_ct_retention